Thursday, February 25, 2010

Syncrude to boost oil sands production; upgrader plan ends
Syncrude Canada Ltd. is scrapping plans for an expensive upgrader as it redraws its growth plans in a bid to profit from strong demand for unprocessed oil sands bitumen. Rather than transform its heavy Fort McMurray-area crude into a light sweet oil, more...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One in six Alberta jobs tied to natural gas, study finds

The natural gas industry employs almost 600,000 people in Canada, a number that could grow as Canada increases production of the cleaner-burning fuel, a new report said Tuesday. More 16 per cent of Alberta’s employment was attributable to the natural gas industry, with B.C. (4.8 per cent) the second-most dependent on natural gas and Saskatchewan third (4.5 per cent). Alberta has the largest financial stake in the natural gas industry, which supports 27.7 per cent of the province’s total GDP, or $80 billion in total economic impact. According to the study prepared by IHS Global Insight for America’s...


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The shutout is over. His name is Alex Bilodeau. He is 22 years old. His mother forced him to quit playing hockey at the age of seven, so he grudgingly moved to the freestyle club at the local ski hill. Remember the name, Canada. Alex Bilodeau. more...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

U.S., China, others join Copenhagen Accord
The United States, China and dozens of other countries accounting for nearly 80% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions have signed onto a voluntary agreement to curb climate change. If the countries make good on their pledges, they will more...

Forestry’s future lies in biofuels

Forestry’s future lies in biofuels, report says
Heating homes holds as much promise as building them for Canada’s long-struggling forest products industry, says a study Monday heralding the use of wood fibre for biofuels and other bioproducts. In fact, clean energy from biomass could reverse more...